London based Recording Studio

Beginning life as a budget studio at the old site in Hackney. Gun Factory mk2 has rapidly established itself as a competitive go to studio as costs have become more of a priority without losing any of the quality.
We have a good selection of pre-amps, outboard, mics and accurate acoustically treated rooms, that combine to give you a solid platform to produce quality recordings.

We are also patched in to the rehearsal room adjacent and the large showcase room enabling, if required, multiple recording e.g. choir or video production.

For recording services contact
Trevor on 07791397383
or email,


All prices include set up and breaks.

Full day rate (incl' engineer) £300 (9hrs)
Half day rate (incl' engineer) £175 (4.5hrs)
Hourly rate (incl' engineer) £50ph (min 2hrs)

Dry Hire rates
Full day rate £175 (full opening hrs)
Hourly rate £25ph (min 3hrs)            

Full Spec

8 channel Neve 1073  OPX
UAD Apollo Quad sound card, 16-in and 8-outs. Latest version of Pro-tools and Logic 11. 


Racked Pre Amps
Neve Vr x 2 Vintage
ASP Audient 008 mic pre 8 input
Digidesign mic pre 8 input
TL Audio VR 5051


MOHOG Mofet76 (Urie 1176 copy)
TL 2021 Valve
Drawmer LX 20 x 2
DBX 166 x 2
TL Audio VR 5051


Lexican MPX1

Prosonus Central Station Monitor system
B@W DM 604 S3 monitors
Yamaha NS 10 monitors

Adam A7 Powered monitors
Beyer Dynamic DT 100 @ DT770 Headphones Sennheiser, Ex and AKG

AKG D112 x 2
Ev RE20
Audex D2 x 3
Shure Sm 57s x 4

Shure KSM 141 x 2
Peluso CEMC 6 x 2
AKG 451B

Peluso 22-251
Se Mini
Audient AT4033a
AKG 3000


Oxygen 61 Midi Controller Korg Minilogue

Please note: This room is prioritised for recording bookings. We reserve the right to move your session, if a rehearsal, to another room or cancel with 72hrs notice.

Gun Factory Studio
Rehearsals  Recordings
Hackney  London  E9

0207 923 9533

Site  Stephen Smart